Organic Food
Eating with a Conscience
to protect health and the environment
While taking hazardous pesticides out of food production reduces hazards on the farm, farmworkers often face a lot of hardships that are not addressed by Eating with a Conscience. Farmworkers have long fought for better working conditions, wages and labor practices. To complement the contribution you are making by purchasing organic food, consider contacting the following organizations to learn what more you can do.
Campesinos sin Fronteras
Centro Campesino
Coalition of Immokalee Workers
Domestic Fair Trade Association
Farmworker Association of Florida
Farmworker Health and Safety Institute
Farmworker Justice
Farm Labor Organizing Committee, AFL-CIO
Farmworker Support Committee (CATA)
Lideres Campesinas
Northwest Treeplanters and Farm Workers United
United Farm Workers